It seems like each day only gets worse and not better. Last Tuesday during Eva's visitation I seemed to be doing so well. I am sure that everyone there was amazed at me smiling and able to speak and so calm. I came to the conclusion that that was because I must have known inside that I would be seeing her again on Wednesday for her service. Wednesday was a different story. It was so much harder knowing that I wouldn't see her again for likely a long long time. Not to mention how hard it was for me to see Dominic and Mya so upset.
Poor Mya...a sight I will never forget...We all met in the little chapel for a brief service. Then we preceded to Eva's grave site. I was able to carry her (closed casket) to her final resting place, which meant a lot to me. I carried her for 9 months and into this world and then carried her out, kind of sort of. We stood and watched as her body, in the casket, was placed into the ground and the grave was closed. Talk about closure, at least to us it was. And Mya...on her knees, face to the ground just sobbing. She told us to let her have some alone time w/ her sister. Oh how my heart broke all over again. She cried and cried hard, kissed the ground and took the time she needed. She stood up and walked towards us, got into the limo and was content. Something you never want to see...your daughter at your other daughters grave crying and declaring how she wants more time...
Let me back up a few...Tuesday's visitation was great. So many people have been touched by Eva's 5 brief days on this Earth and it was so obvious. Standing room only in the funeral home that day. Over 220 people paid a visit and their respect to a baby girl who most never met in person until then.
I have tried to upload the slide show w/out success but will continue to try.
I know some people were surprised to see our baby girl in an open casket. But please understand why we opted for this...we wanted to see her ourselves before making the decision as to open or closed. And when we saw how beautiful she was, tube free, needle free and tape see her whole face and nose and lips was so much prettier than ever before that we wanted the world to see. She was still precious w/ all the tubes, needles and tape but the pics displaying that did her no justice. So we hope you understand our reasoning behind the decision to have it open. Regardless, if it were all knew what lied beneath. The tiny shoebox sized casket would have been just as hard to see...I am glad that all were able to see the beautiful, miracle of God and the peacefulness that came along w/ her.
Everyone seems to be doing well. As we all know the world isn't going to stop for me...even though I really wish it would. The past two weeks went by too fast. I almost feel as if I am still pregnant. My daily routine hasn't even changed and I still have minor stomach discomfort. I stay in bed all day. Besides helping get the kids off to school, and I barley do that, I lay on my left side, hand on the mouse at the computer and remain there until I need to get up to go to the bathroom. At that time I get something to eat and drink, take a shower and put on clean pj's and climb back into bed. My motivation for the getting out of bed to get the kids from daycare, hit the so conveniently located Dairy Queen, which we pass going to the cemetery (we've gone everyday)...all of which I do in my pj's. Today I even went into the grocery store in my pj's. I dread seeing those who knew I was pregnant. Those who are likely going to ask where the new baby the phone call I got yesterday. The man on the other end said..."I just got word of your delivery...congratulations on your baby girl...what did you name her?"...(insurance company, I think...wanting to add Eva to my policy?) I proceed w/ the "my baby passed away"...He quickly blurted out something along the lines of being a blubbering fool and apologized for bothering me at this time and said goodbye. I lost it. Glad Vinnie was next to me to hold me...oh how horrible this is.
So as I sit here tonight feeling miserable I think these feelings are normal. Normal for both the postpartum blues as well as having no physical baby to show for it all. I am thankful and grateful to those who care and who call and are likely worried about me...but please...please understand that yes, it has been a week since we buried our daughter but I still need more time. Time to gather my thoughts and to take in all that has occurred w/in the past two weeks and two days. Believe it or not it still hasn't really even set in.

Thinking of you. Thank you for continuing to share your journey with us. I am praying for you.
Elizabeth in Texas
She looks absolutely beautiful... and so much more peaceful.
I know I dont have the right words to comfort you.
Im praying for you, and your family daily, you are on my heart.
She has such peace on her face, she is beautiful.
I'll tell you what I told Kenzie a while back...
At NO POINT are you ever to be concerned about how anyone else feels or deals with your grief.
You don't ever worry about answering questions in a way that makes someone else "feel bad".
You don't worry about accomplishing things throughout the day.
You don't worry about how many days pass while you are thinking of and grieving baby Eva's passing.
You are her mother and I can't even begin to understand what it is that you are enduring... so know that as far as I or anyone else is concerned... YOUR concern is ALL THAT MATTERS.
We are here for you in whatever way will be encouraging, supportive and or helpful.
Love you friend.
Thanks for sharing and GOD BLESS!
Hey sweet friend of my heart.
Try not to question what you're feeling and do not let a single person rush you through your grief. You are fine. Only you are Eva's mommy, so only you will grieve in your special way. You loved her SO well. You were her biggest advocate and I have no doubt that the Lord is proclaiming what a good and faithful servant you have been. This is your time to finally rest. For months, you have poured your life into Eva, that she might have life. Now, she has life like we've never dreamed and she has found peace and healing - you are free to do the same. You are normal. It has only been a week, babe. The road is long and winding, with many ups and downs along the way. As long as the blessed numbness will stay, let it linger. And know, with all your heart, that your God has not abandoned you and that He IS enough for you. I'll remind you if you'll remind me, deal? We will not let satan creep in and steal our joy. Our five day girls changed everything and their legacy will live longer than we do! To God be the glory!
Oh my heart goes out to you! I am holding you up in prayer tonight.
Michelle in TX
Honey, everything your feeling right now is perfectly normal.
Don't let anyone make you feel bad or that you made the wrong decision on having an open casket. Lil Eva had every right to be mourned/viewed and buried the same as any adult would.
We had an open casket with my lil angel Daniel,he was two days old and after the fact, I heard that people thought it was morbid or just not right to have a baby with an open casket. Poohy on them.
Thanks for sharing the pics, it looks like Eva had a beautiful service :)
BIGGGGGGGGG Hugs from Amanda in Ohio
I was reading the comments and I am so glad that God has placed these people in your life at this time in your life! These mother's who have experienced life and loss so close together of their precious children as you have (2 Cor 1:3-7), and also the awesome support you are receiving from others-God is taking care of you!
Thanks for sharing all of Eva's days here with me/us-she looks very beautiful/preacful/happy in these recent pics, and I'm glad you shared them.
I do not know the grief/misery you feel, but I hear it, so I will be praying for God to wrap you up in his comfort and love because HE is the God of all comfort.
Praying for you...and your family...
I am up tonight late thinking of you and praying too. I remember how I felt a few weeks after burying Madeline and was afraid to ask God for healing because I was afraid that if I was free of the pain that I felt, that I might be somehow forgetting Madeline. God is so good and will not forsake you in this time of need. Take your time and you will heal as you need to. There is no time limit on grief. You are in my prayers, as well as your husband and children.
Thank you for sharing. Chrissy, your little Eva is so beautiful. She is even more beautiful in Heaven. I wish I could take your pain away.
Love, Margarete
Prayer was requested last night at church for you and your family.
Please know you are still in my thoughts and prayers....
Thanks for sharing. Eva was beautiful!!!
Love you,
Eva is so beautiful. I can not imagine what you are going through. The thought of loosing one of my children brings me pain. Don't let anyone make you feel bad, there should not be a time limit on how long you grieve. You are a parent who lost your child, no one should have to go through that. You and your family are in my prayers.
Sweet girl-
I know this is so hard right now. Some days seem okay and then others feel like you are right back at square one. I know it's so hard... but you are doing awesome. You are getting up, being with kids, getting to the store... those are all things that play a part in your healing. Know that it is good to take time, good to just be with your family- don't feel like you have to rush anything (phone calls, emails, cards, etc.) EVERYONE understands... or at least tries to. The Lord is good and He WILL get you through each day!
Love and praying for you!
Chrissy - Eva looked just beautiful - those little cheeks!! And I love the bear pillow over the top, like a big hug for her. The picture of Mya at the grave is just heartbreaking; I have two kids and I know they would be equally devastated with the loss of the other. I will echo what the other posters have said - take your time, however long it might be, to heal in whatever way God plans for you. A "healing heart" is NOT a "forgetful heart"! You are only two weeks out from probably the most difficult time any parent can go through - you deserve and need every moment of time in your pajamas, mentally and emotionally processing all of this. Recover on your own schedule, regardless of what others think. I pray for you and Vinnie and the kids.
J. in OH
what a beautiful site for a precious beautiful baby girl. i am so sorry for your loss. Eva looks so peaceful and so angelic in the above pics. you don't have to justify to ANYONE why you and your husband wanted an open casket. i am glad you posted the pics. they are just gorgeous. continued prayers. from my heart to yours Bonny in tX
Your little one is just beautiful. She looks so peaceful and sweet. I am so sorry and I really have no words at this time that could even begin to help you right now. Just know that everyone is praying for you and your family. God bless.
You aren't forgotten, and you are still having prayers prayed over you. It is hard, and no one expects you to act like it is easy. Grieve for her, and one day you will be ready to truly live again. I promise!
Eva looked so precious in those pics.
I can feel your pain through this post. I hope that God will comfort you.
Not sure what to say. But wanted you to know I am thinking of you and praying all the best for you and your family.
And you deserve to take all the time you need.
She is beautiful!
Please remember that there is no time limits on when & how you grieve. Eva is your little baby girl and you'll probably grieve the rest of your life, It will just get a little more bearable as time goes on. Just don't question yourself on when , where , or how you are to act. The right way is the way that makes you & your family feel better, not everyone else. You just have to take baby steps for awhile and just try and take it hour by hour. I'm praying for all of you and I know Eva & God are watching over all of you.
Take Care and I'll talk with you later.
Jane L
My prayers are with you. And you take all the time you need to grieve and don't worry what anyone thinks or says.
What a beautiful, beautiful baby. Her pictures just took my breath away.
There is nothing I can add to what has already been said that will bring your heart any comfort. I just want you to know that your name is being spoken in prayer by our family in Arkansas. We ache for the loss of precious Eva.
Eva is absolutely beautiful! I can definitely understand why you and your family wanted to soak in every second of seeing her. Don't let anyone cause you to second guess your choices!
God bless all of you through this difficult time.
I am praying for you and for all of your family.
Prayers are being lifted up for you and your family in Kentucky right now. I don't blame you at all for having an open casket. I would want to see that beautiful face for as long as possible also. You are a strong woman that needs to grieve and heal, both physically and emotionally. God WILL see you through this. Eve Janette was beautiful and her story has touched my life. God bless you.
She looked SO gorgeous and peaceful!
Eva looks so beautiful in her casket. Being tube-free does make a difference. I understand that.
It is normal not to feel better yet. Remember that you not only lost your daughter, but are recovering from major surgery and probably have some post-partum depression, too. Try to get a list of symptoms for post partum depression and have Vinnie keep track of them for you so that you don't have to deal unassisted with that on top of dealing with your grief. The two can easily overlap and you could be suffering more than you need to at this time. I'm not saying that you have it or that you need drugs, just to be aware of it as a possibility so that you are not overly burdened by what you cannot control.
I'll pray that you feel strengthen and comforted by the Lord and able to make one tiny step each day to feeling better, even if it's having a shower and putting on fresh pajamas.
I have been reading your blog lately. Many prayers said for you and your family in your time of grief for your beautiful daughter Eva Janette. We lost our son almost 18 years ago and also had an open casket. We have no regrets and I hope you will find peace in every decision you have made and will make. You are the ones going through it and you do what is right for YOU and YOUR family. Don't worry about other's feelings. Take care of you and the ones that are dear to you. Take all the time that you need and work through everything that comes. You may go one step forward and two steps back and that's ok, it's also expected. May God bless you. Continued prayers for healing and comfort.
She's so beautiful.
Hugs to you...
Sleeping beauty ... what a peaceful little girl. She knew where she was going ... you have a perfect little angel there. Thank you for sharing.
of the Bernard Bunch
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