Keller, TX ~ August 7th, 2010

Keller, TX ~ August 7th, 2010
The "eight of us" together w/ our NEW babies after our losses...

Living Proof ~ June 13th, 2009 ~ Pittsburgh, PA ~ Beth Moore

Deeper Still ~ June 28th, 2008

Deeper Still ~ June 28th, 2008
The "eight of us" w/ Beth Moore (w/ empty arms)...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One week down...(since the preterm scare)...praying for at least 9 more weeks!

I just wanted to give a quick update to those who have emailed, texted or called to see how things are going.

I have to say that having a week off of work has been such a blessing. I have gotten so much well needed rest that my body (and baby Eva) are very much appreciating it! I still get up and out a little to maintain my sanity...and my cravings but all in all I have been just taking it easy.

Since last Wednesday, the day I was discharged, my contractions have ceased tremendously! If I have any it might be less than 5 a day! PRAISE GOD!!! Wednesday I was still pretty uncomfortable, but by Thursday I felt 90% better. Overnight Thursday to Friday I was back to being uncomfortable but held me belly all night just praying at every contraction and every pain. I thought it was "time" but when I woke up Friday morning and realized that the night was "uneventful" I praised God for one more day and thanked him abundantly!

By Saturday the low back pain came back and has remained since but when brought to my doctors attention on Tuesday he seemed content that it is not joined by the continuous contractions like it was last week. AGAIN PRAISE GOD!

Besides losing 3 pounds in 10 days the appointment went well. I am now measuring 30 inches externally, so not too bad for being 29 weeks. I have an appointment w/ the high risk doctors on Monday as well as another ultrasound. Praying for continued growth for Eva as well as nothing "new" to be discovered.

I am to remain on bed rest until at least Tuesday, when I go back to my regular doctor. I don't want to say that I don't want to go back to work, not that I do, but I feel so much "safer" at home and being less active then rushing to get one child off to junior high, one to elementary and then get myself off to a bus stop, in the 17 degree weather, sit or stand on a crowded bus, run 3 blocks (cause chances are the bus was late and it's too cold to walk)...just to get to work to be uncomfortable for 8 hours...then reverse the trip flying to daycare by 6pm to get the children to come home and figure out what we are doing for dinner. So, on that, I really do not want to go back to work in fear that it will cause Eva to be born too soon. But I trust God that if I am to go back than my doctor will release me to do so.

I always sit down here to type a "quick" note and it turns into a novel. I don't intend for that to happen, as I am the last one who likes to type but it never fails. I could go on and on but I am going to try to cut this off as I am a little tired today.

I went back to the lab this morning to have the 3 hour glucose tolerance test done. YUCK! The drink was double the grams as the first one meaning that the stuff was like syrup. Not to mention the four times blood needs to be drawn! Yes, FOUR times of feeling like a pin cushion! My poor arms! I may have gained 11 pounds during this pregnancy but I can assure you that not an ounce of that is in my arms! One stick when I got there, then every hour till I left! Praying that the results are negative so I can have one less thing to be concerned about for the rest of the pregnancy as well as for Eva after delivery.

Please continue to pray for the other families that I have mentioned below.

The Summons family as they are grieving the loss of Mary Grace Summons . I have to say that this was a hard one for me to swallow as I had so much hope for them. I try not to "compare" our T-18 situation to many as they ALL are so very unpredictable and each is different in many ways. But I have to say that out of the few moms that I have been following and in touch w/ that this one was the one that I was "comparing" ours to. As I mentioned in a previous post that it is hard for me to sit back and witness the other moms deliveries prior to my own. I will have already seen there heartache and felt their pain prior to my own. It is hard.

Please pray for Gwyneth Rose and Tricia! They are by far not out of the woods. Both girls are amazing and both need our prayers.

Please pray for Angie and Nathan Luce, the parents of (Poppy Joy Luce) as they are making the decisions to proceed w/ adoption. God has lead them thus far and we need to pray for God to continue to lead them in the right direction.

I will try to post an update after my appointments on Monday and Tuesday. Thank you for the continuous thoughts and prayers for me, Eva and our family!


Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Chrissy,

It was great to come here this morning and find you had updated. I am so thankful for you to be doing good and know God is right there with you. I'll be praying for the next 9 weeks to be uneventful and for Eva to continue growing. Praying for your heart too, that hope and peace are full and soothing. And of course for Vinnie and the kids. Keep posting Chrissy,
you write great and it lets us know what specific things you need prayer for.
Love and Hugs to you,
Laurie in Ca.

CFHusband said...

Thank you!